Friday, May 15, 2020

Self and Leadership Assessment Project Free Essay Example, 4500 words

The next portion of my personal assessment will include some biographical information, look at some family events and individuals who have impacted my life significantly, and describe some of the activities that bring me joy. I will then evaluate that information to see how I can use it to my advantage. I was born in a Qatari family in the city of Kuwait in May of 1976. At the time of my birth and until the age of five, my family and I lived in Kuwait where my father was the Ambassador of Qatar. After returning to Qatar, I completed my High school Diploma in Arts and earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Qatar University. My initial intent was to proceed with my studies to obtain a higher degree in translation from the United Kingdom. Prior to my travel to the UK, however, I received an employment offer that changed my plans. I became determined to pursue my career in Management and therefore, decided to change my field from translation to Management because I rea lized that translation, being a routine-type of the profession, would not appeal to me. My family history and background has had a significant impact on my decisions, ambitions and mostly, my personality. I come from a line of educated and intellectual individuals who served in the diplomatic and political arena in the country. My grandfather wanted to be a pioneer in establishing a parliamentary political system in Qatar. As a result of his revolutionary ideas, he was imprisoned for a number of years and his family migrated to Kuwait to avoid persecution. Once my grandfather was released from prison he left Qatar to join his family in Kuwait. Later the family moved to Egypt during the 1960s. My father studied Political Science in the United States and later served in the diplomatic field. Due to this family history and my upbringing, my ambitions go beyond my current profession, which is not my ultimate goal. Determined to achieve independence and success, I am aiming at e stablishing my own private company and becoming a successful business individually. We will write a custom essay sample on Self and Leadership: Assessment Project or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now

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